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RFFLG5.Russian Rocket and Artillery Troops Flag. Size 90 x 150cm. $20.00
RFLG4.Russian Tank Forces Flag. Size 90 x 150cm, 2 metal gromets polyester. $20.00
RFLG3. Russian FSB Flag Size 90 x 150cm , Polyester. $24.95
RF12.Russian MVD Internal Troops Flag with Tiger for Far Eastern Region of Interior Troops. Size 90 x 150 cm. Polyester. $24.95
RF11.Russian MVD Internal Troops Flag with Salamander Ural District. Size 90 x 150 cm Polyester. $24.95
RF10.Donbass Flag. 90 x 150 cm , 2 metal gromets  Polyester. $24.95


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1A.Reproduction Nazi party banners.Double sided,multi-piece construction
just like the originals.Exc.quality.Size 3'x 5' $75.00,3'x 7' $80.00,3'x 9' $85.00
Opposite side is reverse image.
1B.Reproduction Nazi party banners.Double sided,heavy multi-piece
construction just like the originals.Excellant quality.Size 63" x 15' $175.00
(3 x 5 pictured)
1E.Reproduction Nazi party FLAG. Double sided multi piece construction.
Opposite side is reverse image. Size 2 x 3. $24.95

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1D.Reproduction Nazi party banner with large center swastika. Size 4 x 5.
Swastika same on both sides. $85.00

4.Reproduction Nazi party flags.Printed.3' x 5', polyester.$15.00
5.Reproduction SS flag.Printed.3' x 5', polyester.$15.00

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13.Reproduction SS flag with skull and crossbones.
Printed.3' x 5', polyester.$15.00

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6.Reproduction SS banners. White SS runes on black. Double sided,
multi-piece construction just like the originals.Exc.quality.Size 3'x 5' $65.00,
3'x 7' $70.00,3'x 9' $75.00, 6' x 15' $175.00
Opposite side is reverse image

7.Reproduction SS flags. White SS runes on black. Double sided,multi-piece construction
just like the originals.Exc.quality.Size 3'x 5' $65.00
9.Reproduction National Socialist party  flags. Size 3' x 5'.$15.00

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NF23.Army Field Marshal flag. 3' x 5'. $15.00

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NF22.Army Field Marshal flag. 3' x 5'. $15.00

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NF21.Nazi State Service flag. 3' x 5'. $15.00

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NF19.Fuhrer flag. 3' x 5'. $15.00

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NF17.Chief of General Staff flag with Iron cross
and eagles in each corner. 3' x 5'. $15.00

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NF18.Hitler Youth Flag. 3' x 5'. $15.00

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NF16.Nazi police flag. 3 x 5. $15.00

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3.Reproduction Nazi battle flags.Printed.3' x 5',polyester. $15.00
3E.Reproduction Nazi battle flag. Double sided multi piece construction.
Opposite side is reverse image. Cotton. Size 2 x 3. $24.95

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8.Reproduction Nazi Police flags. Size 3' x 5'.$15.00

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10.Reproduction Hitler Youth flags. Size 3' x 5'.$15.00

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13.Reproduction Nazi war flags. Party flag with Iron Cross
in upper corner.Size 3' x 5'. OUT OF STOCK

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14.Reproduction SS flag with eagle and skull. $15.00

NF20.Reichskreigs German Armed Forces Ensign $15.00

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12. R.O.A. flag-Russian Army of Liberation.Double sided,
multi-piece construction.$65.00

Reproduction WW2 Embroidered flags
Reproduction Fuhrer standard. Single sided. Size about 26" x 26". $325.00
REF7.Reproduction Deutschland Erwache standards. 2 sided.$225.00
REF2.Reproduction Waffen SS trumpet banner.2 sided.One side has skull and crossbones with
"Adolf Hitler Standarte", other side has SS runes.Silver fringe on 3 sides.
SIDE A,   SIDE B . Size about 16" x 19". $175.00
REF3.Reproduction Waffen SS trumpet banner.2 sided.One side has skull and crossbones with
oak leaves, other side has SS runes in circle with oak leaves.Silver fringe on 3 sides.
SIDE A,   SIDE B . Size about 17" x 17". $175.00
REF4.Reproduction Pink Panzer troops standard.Size about 35" x 20". 2 sided.$325.00
REF6.Reproduction Red Artillery troops standard.Size about 35" x 20". 2 sided.$325.00
REF5.Reproduction Luftwaffe embroidered 2 sided flag. Size 15.5" x 15.5".
SIDE A,   SIDE B . $250.00
Reproduction WW2 Italian flags
Reproduction Kingdom of Italy flags. 3' x 5'. $15.00

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15.Reproduction Italian WW2 RSI flag. 3' x 5' . $15.00

F64.Current Italian flags. 3' x 5'. $15.00


F1.Ukrainian flag.Standard size.Blue and yellow.$20.00

Russian naval ensign,St.Andrews flag.Blue x on white.
173cm x 112cm. $60.00

RF2A.As above but size 46cm x 28cm.$20.00
RF2B.As above but 17" x 11".$20.00
RF2C.As above but 18" x 13".$20.00
RF3.Russian naval ensign,St.Andrews flag.100cm x 65cm.$45.00
RF6.Russian state flags.Tri-color.Size about 18.5" x 11".$20.00
RF7.Russian state flags.Tri-color.Size about 25" x 12".$20.00
RF8.Russian navy divers flags.24" x 38.5".$40.00
RF9.Russian Border Guard flag.25" x 38.5".$40.00

Soviet Lithuanian Republic flag.Red silk with green
and white stripe. $40.00

F2B.As above with some soiling. $25.00
F2C.As above but heavier construction.$45.00
F3.Soviet republic of Uzbekistan silk flag. $40.00
F4.Soviet republic of Kirgistan silk flag. $35.00
F5.Soviet republic of Georgia silk flag. $35.00
F6.Soviet republic of Tadzhikistan silk flag.End was cut when removed
from pole. $25.00

F44.Soviet republic of Tadzhikistan.Silk flag.$40.00
F7.Soviet republic of Turkmenistan silk flag. $40.00
F8.Soviet republic of Belorussia silk flag. $35.00
F9.Soviet republic of Ukraine.One sided cotton flag. $35.00
F43.Soviet Republic of Ukraine.Silk flag.$40.00
F41.Soviet Republic of Moldova.Silk flag.$40.00
F42.Soviet Republic of Azerbaizhan.Multi piece construction.$45.00
F45.Soviet Republic of Latvia.Silk flag.$40.00
F46.Soviet Republic of Armenia.Silk flag.$40.00
F52.Soviet Republic of Kazakhstan.Silk flag.$40.00
F10.USSR political banners.Gold fringe,two sided
with state seal. $100.00

F11.USSR Komsomol flag.Two sided,39"x 30". $40.00
F38.Soviet naval guards flag.103cm x 65cm.$65.00
F39.Flag of the Commander of the Chief of Staff of the Soviet Navy.
103cm x 74cm.$85.00

F47.Soviet Naval flag.Size 14" x 8 1/4".$20.00
F48.Soviet Naval flag.Size 18 1/4 x 11 1/2.Silk.$20.00
F49.Soviet Naval flag.Size 19" x 11".$20.00
F50.Soviet Naval flag.Size 19.2" x 11 1/2.$20.00
F53.Soviet Air Force flag. About 59.5" x 79". $119.00

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F54.Soviet State banners.180 x 300 cm.Single sided.
Top mounted.Made in East Germany.$45.00

F55.Soviet State banners.120 x 400 cm.Two sided.
Top mounted.Made in East Germany.$55.00

F56.Soviet State banner.120 x 300 cm.Two sided.
Top mounted.Made in East Germany.$45.00

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F57.Soviet State banner.120 x 300 cm.Single sided.
Side mounted.Made in East Germany.$45.00

F58.Soviet State Flags.120 x 200 cm.Single sided.
Top mounted.Made in East Germany.$45.00
Soviet state flags.3' x  5'. $15.00

East German state flag.3 x 5.Polyester. $15.00
F12.East German-Soviet friendship flag.About 78"x 44".East German
and Soviet flags on white. $50.00

F13.East German red banner with vertical pole pocket.10.5"x 45".$45.00
F14.East German banner.Red with clasped hands and "Sozialistische
Einheitspartei Deutschlands".About 10'x44". $75.00

F15.East German FDJ banner.About 10.5'x 4.5'. $75.00
F16.East German FDJ banner.About 11'x 46.5" with vertical
pole pocket. $45.00

F17.Small East German flag. $25.00
F18.East German banner.National colors with state seal.
120x400.Cotton. $100.00

F19.East German flags on large pole.Flag is about 5.5' x 4'.
Pole about 10'. $100.00

F20.East German FDGB banner.About 7.5'x 4.5'. $45.00
F21.East German banner.National colors with state seal.Vertical
pole pocket.Cotton. $100.00

F22.East German banner.Blue with flame and "Seid Bereit".$45.00
F23.East German banner.Blue with white dove.About 300x120.$35.00
F24A.Small East German flag.18.5"x 11".Blue with
white dove. $5.00
F24B.As above but FDJ. $5.00
F24C.As above but red. $5.00
F24D.Small polish flag. $5.00

YU3.Small flag of the Yugoslav army.Made of silk in blue,white and red,
with gold braid above and gold fringe below with the initials VJ
(Vojska Jugoslavije) in center.$20.00
YU499.A small hand made FLAG of SERBIA within SFR Yugoslavia, 30 x 20 cm.
Red, blue and white with red yellow bordered five-pointed star in center. $25.00
F61.Serbian flag with eagle. 3' x 5'. $15.00


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TF1.Taliban flags. Embroidered Taliban flags,2 sided.Black Islamic writing
on white.Islamic text reads "I bear witness that there is no deity other than Allah
and that Muhammad is his servant and Messenger".
Only a few of these available. $250.00

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F59A.Vietnam banners.120cm x 400cm.Cotton.Side mounted.Red with yellow
star in center.Two sided.Made in East Germany.$45.00

F59B.Vietnam banners.120cm x 300cm.Nylon.Side mounted.Red with yellow
star in center.Two sided.Made in East Germany.$45.00

F25.Hungarian flags. $35.00

F26.Confederate flags.3'x 5'.Printed. $15.00

F27.British flags.3'x 5'.Printed. $15.00
F28.Pirate flags.3'x 5'.Printed. $15.00
Heavily embroidered 2 sided flag of the Hungarian army.Communist
state seal in center.Beautifully embroidered.$200.00
F30.Latvian flag.Current. $35.00

F31.U.S.M.C. Devil dog flag.3'x 5'.Printed. $15.00
F32.U.S.M.C. flag.3'x 5'.Printed. $15.00
F33.U.S. Army flags.3'x 5'.Printed. $15.00
F34.W.W.2 era French flags.Standard size. $25.00
F36.Iranian state flag.Made in USSR in 1990.
Size 150cm x 100cm.$60.00

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F67.Rhodesian flags. 3 x 5. $15.00

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F65.Reproduction German WW1 war flag. $15.00

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F64.Reproduction Imperial Russian Flag.3 x 5. $15.00

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F62.Current German military flag. 3' x 5'. $15.00

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F66.Ukrainian flag with trident. $15.00

F68.Iraqi flag. $15.00

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