dc1fa.jpg (27370 bytes)
Soviet Gramota for being a good student at high school $5.00
Inside cover photo

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Soviet Gramota
Inside page 2

Inside page 3

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DC4-Single sided document given for graduation with high grades after each school year.

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DC5-2 Sided document.One side Russian text,opposite side Ukrainian text.Given for graduation with high grades after each school year.
Photo side 2

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DC6-2 Sided document.One side Russian text,opposite side Ukrainian text.Given for graduation with high grades after each school year.

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DC7-Ukrainian single sided document. Ukrainian text.Given for graduation with high grades after each school year.

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dc10fa.jpg (75648 bytes)

dc9fa.jpg (50873 bytes)

dc11a.jpg (73832 bytes)

dc12a.jpg (67293 bytes)


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